The information gained through the Workforce Management Suite enables management to be more effective in making decisions to increase profitability.

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Workforce Management

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“By using Kebrite’s Workforce Management Suite we’ve been able to save thousands of dollars in payroll every year. The return on our investment is better than we predicted.”

Client Testimonials.

Lower Payroll Costs

Reduce payroll preparation time by 80% by implementing a single, automated data collection system that eliminates time sheets and feeds payroll with accurate data. Elimination of manual data entry accounts for a great efficiency gain.

Reduce “Time Loss”

It is widely known that the estimated time loss due to activities such as tardiness or long breaks costs companies four hours per employee per week, on average. Be able to track employee and job activity and make adjustments as necessary!

Information Week reports that automated timekeeping can cut payroll costs by 3.5% Automated data collection is especially valuable for centralized payroll serving multiple work locations. Manual time reporting with complex rules such as overtime or shift premiums can lead to costly errors – automate this process and start saving money and resources immediately!

Streamline Administration

Reduce the need to reconcile data between the ERP and payroll systems: our software eliminates duplicate data entry by simultaneously feeding the necessary data to your ERP and payroll systems thereby cutting costs significantly.

Increase Employee Efficiency

Our solution’s single screen enables faster data capture; employees enter time and attendance, track labor and track customer orders more quickly on a single screen – this allows them to get back to what your company pays for: production!

Optimize Labor Allocation

By accurately tracking “down time” spent on setup, maintenance, and between jobs, our software eliminates the guesswork in planning and enables optimal labor allocation. More accurate, automated data can present a clear picture of how much labor is required for a specific job.

Job contracts may allow you to pass on unforeseen costs to the customer, but only if you can identify and document them. Our reporting and complete audit trails provide the proof required to recoup unforeseen costs.

Capture Total Workforce Costs

Most data collection systems track only costs on the shop floor; administrative and professional staff time is routinely ignored or estimated. With Kebrite’s Workforce Management Suite you can easily track extra costs even if staff is mobile or operating in remote locations.