The information gained through the Workforce Management Suite enables management to be more effective in making decisions to increase profitability.

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Workforce Management

Contact Kebrite today:


“By using Kebrite’s Workforce Management Suite we’ve been able to save thousands of dollars in payroll every year. The return on our investment is better than we predicted.”

Client Testimonials.

Sharpen Estimates

By providing accurate, detailed data on past work, our software helps you prepare more competitive estimates while reducing the risk of under-estimating. Lean estimates are critical to winning new business in a competitive environment, but under-estimating can quickly put you in the red. Don’t guess any longer – get an inside edge over the competition by being prepared with hard numbers. The result: less risk and more profitable jobs.

Improve Reporting

Real-time reports that are accessible anytime, anywhere are required to compete in this fast-paced world. Delayed reports can cause unnecessary exposure to risk. Our solution’s real-time reporting allows you to deal with issues as they arise.

Instant Reporting

Labor tracking, scheduling, and other data often do not reconcile with payroll and ERP data. Reports are outdated before they are even available, or can only be accessed at certain terminals. The list of problems grows from these basic limitations. Late, incorrect or inaccessible reports can result in multiple problems like:

  • Erratic maintenance scheduling; either it’s performed unnecessarily or not scheduled when it’s needed.
  • Deviations in schedules are reported too late for effective action.
  • Parts tracking is poor, leading to outdated inventory levels.
  • Missed opportunities to charge out cost over-runs.
  • Minor glitches can become crises.

Our Solution:

  • Information is entered as it happens and viewable by everyone instantly, whether the employee is on the shop floor, in the office or on the road.
  • Data is verified at entry and fed to both payroll and ERP systems, instantly and simultaneously.
  • Allows real-time reporting via the Dashboard reports.
  • Any authorized employee can view reports anywhere, any time.